Many of us work minimum-wage jobs and simply don’t make enough money to pay for our everyday needs, let alone save. Having a significant savings account is incredibly important in case of emergencies. You never know when you might need to make a trip to the hospital...

Megan O'Donnell
Tappable Equity Usable Home Equity Has Exploded Higher
Home equity refers to the value that you build in your property. It includes appreciation, which is subtracted from your owed mortgage balance. You can cash out this value while preserving 20% of the equity, which is a requirement set by the lender to protect their...
Easy Ways And Advice For Making Money Using Your Phone
Most of us are always on our phones. We bet you already know this, but we'll say it anyway: there's a lot you can do with that! Plenty of apps and websites allow you to earn money just by using your device. It might sound too good to be true, but it's not! You don't...
The Impact Of Inflation On Your Taxes
We heard a lot about inflation this year, and it's likely to only increase for now. As a general idea, we know that inflation means a price rise. If you've recently started earning and doing your taxes, you should also know how the rising prices can change other...